
Likee XDownloader

Android App Design May 2020 - August 2020

Likee XDownloader is an Android application designed to facilitate video downloads from the social media platform Likee. As the UI/UX Designer for this project, I collaborated closely with an Android Developer to create an intuitive and user-friendly experience for Likee users seeking to download their favorite videos.

What I did

  • UX Design
  • UI Design



Our director has entrusted the team with an exciting new task: to explore business opportunities in developing a simple video downloading Android app. As we embark on this journey, we are dedicated to thorough market research, creative ideation, and collaborative efforts to ensure the success of this new and promising project.

After extensive research, our team has honed in on a specific business opportunity: the development of a video downloader app tailored for Likee.

Existing Likee Video Downloader apps on the Google Play Store suffered from various issues, including poor device compatibility, frequent crashes, unattractive user interfaces, excessive advertisements, and convoluted user flows. These problems created a demand for a more reliable and aesthetically pleasing app.

/Design Process

As part of the process, I reviewed the designs of existing Likee Video Downloader apps and other successful video downloading apps. This helped me identify design strengths and weaknesses and served as a foundation for developing my unique design.

Market Research

Concurrent with user research, I embarked on an extensive research phase to achieve a holistic understanding of Likee's user base, their preferences, and the competitive landscape. This multifaceted research involved a blend of market analysis, competitive assessment, and in-depth user behavior studies.

To see if there was a demand for a new Likee Video Downloader app, I conducted a market analysis. This involved researching the number of downloads and reviews of existing apps. I also analyzed the geographical distribution of users and the most popular devices used to access Likee. This research revealed a significant demand for a new, more reliable app.


Competitor Analysis

Concurrent with user research, I embarked on an extensive research phase to achieve a holistic understanding of Likee's user base, their preferences, and the competitive landscape. This multifaceted research involved a blend of market analysis, competitive assessment, and in-depth user behavior studies. Leveraging tools like App Annie, I harnessed actionable insights into user behavior, shedding light on opportunities for growth. Simultaneously, I conducted a thorough competitive analysis, scrutinizing rival apps in the market that offered video downloading services. This meticulous evaluation illuminated both the strengths and weaknesses of existing solutions, enriching my design process. My overarching aim was to distinguish Likee XDownloader by delivering a more seamless and user-friendly experience, finely attuned to the evolving needs and preferences of our target audience.


User Archetypes

I identified several key user archetypes, each with unique needs and preferences. This helped me tailor the design to the specific requirements of our target audience. The archetypes we identified included:

Content Creator

These users seek inspiration for their content and are interested on video sharing platform such as Likee. They are interested in:

  • Downloading videos from Likee to use in their own content.
  • Reposting videos from Likee to another platform.
User with unstable internet

These users have unstable internet connections and are interested in:

  • Downloading videos from Likee to watch offline
  • Downloading videos from Likee to share with friends


With a clearer understanding of the app's structure, we moved into the prototyping phase. The collaboration between the UI/UX Designer and the Android Developer was essential. Together, we created functional prototypes that simulated the user experience. This phase also involved rigorous testing, ensuring that the design not only looked good but also worked seamlessly on various Android devices. It was crucial to identify and address any usability issues and to make necessary refinements.


/Lessons Learned

Throughout this project, I learned the importance of being adaptable and willing to take on a range of tasks. As someone with no previous experience in UI design, I quickly became proficient in Figma and was able to create a polished and professional UI for Likee XDownloader. I also developed my skills in developer assistance, marketing research, and visual content creation, making me a versatile and valuable member of any design team.

I am passionate about UI/UX design and believe that my experience with Likee XDownloader demonstrates my ability to follow a design thought process and create innovative and user-friendly designs. I am excited to bring my skills and enthusiasm to a new role and to continue learning and growing as a designer.

/Ethical Concerns in Our Product

I've come across some moral implications related to the product we've developed that I believe we should address. It's important for us to consider the ethical impact of our work.

During the planning phase, my director wanted me to design a tutorial to put in the app to teach users how to use our app to download videos from Likee. When selecting the screenshot to use in the tutorial, my director specifically asked me to use screenshots of videos featuring scantily clad women. And then, I voiced my concerns about this approach, expressing my belief that there should be alternative, more respectful methods. I proposed using screenshots of cats instead. However, my director remained adamant, insisting that we use screenshots featuring dogs.

After much contemplation, I recognized a deeper ethical dilemma inherent in our product: it facilitates the unauthorized downloading of others' creations. Despite extensive market research and persona creation efforts, I struggled to comprehend why individuals would want to download these videos. Our director offered an explanation, citing the unstable internet connections in Southeast Asia, suggesting that users might seek out places with more reliable connectivity to download content for later viewing at home. However, this rationale failed to convince me entirely. Years after the product's completion, it became evident that a significant portion of our user base was exploiting the tool to appropriate others' content for personal gain.

In conclusion, grappling with the moral implications of our product's functionality has been an eye-opening journey. While our initial intentions may have been rooted in providing a solution to a perceived problem, the reality of its misuse has forced us to confront uncomfortable truths. Moving forward, it is imperative that we prioritize ethical considerations in our development process and strive to create products that empower users while respecting the rights and creativity of others. By acknowledging and addressing these ethical challenges head-on, we can ensure that our innovations contribute positively to society while upholding our values of integrity and responsibility.



/Play Store Video